
February Men's Club schedule

February Brunch Series -- This Sunday, the 8th, our Brunch speaker will be Ken Schnake, general manager of the Columbus Clippers, who will talk about the Clippers move into the new ballpark. Brunch starts at 10:30.
Kosher Passover Wine Tasting Party -- Men's Club will be sponsoring a Kosher Passover Wine Tasting on March 15. The event will take place at the home of Carl & Susie Seletz. Information on time and cost is forthcoming. For more information, contact Dale Levy at drlevy@ohioctvs.com.
Purim Carnival -- The Purim Carnival will be Sunday, March 8th from 11:30 to 1:30. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Mike Sobul at Lsobul@wowway.com. Men's club will also be holding a silent auction in the Atrium that day. If you wish to donte or can solicit items to be donated and auctioned, also let Mike know.
Synagogue Dinner/Dance -- The synagogue will be hosting a dinner/dance honoring past presidents on April 26, in lieu of a Spotlight Series event. Sheila Chodash needs volunteers to make follow up phone calls for ads in the tribute book. If you are able to help out, please let Mike know at Lsobul@wowway.com.