
May is busting out all over

This month, Men’s Club is planning a couple of “green” events. First, for the Men’s Club brunch starting at 10:30 a.m. on May 2, congregant David Roseman will talk about the “greening” of the synagogue. David has been involved in finding ways to lessen our footprint on Earth for a number of years, including by working with the Friends of Alum Creek and Tributaries and with Consider Biking.

Then, on May 9, David will help lead the annual Mothers Day planting on the synagogue lawn. This year, we’ve got trees – arborvitae – to put in along the west side of the property. So wear your digging clothes!

The monthly Poker Night is on May 13 – please contact Douglas Segerman at djsegerman@earthlink.net.

But the news is what’s coming in the summer. Right now, we’re looking at a trip to see the Indians and Reds play in Cleveland in June, and three big events in August: the Tifereth Israel Men’s Club picnic on Aug. 1, the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs KIO Region picnic and baseball outing on Aug. 15 and the Columbus-wide Jewish Community Day at Huntington Park on Aug. 22.

We’re also looking at starting our brunch speaker series early, in August, with a visit from an Anti-Defamation League professional to address dealing with anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli activities on campus.

Please consider attending – well – everything!

And that, in a round-about way, brings us to another subject:

We can’t do this without you. We have more than 90 members who pay their dues and who often volunteer to help us produce the huge volume of activities that the Tifereth Israel Men’s Club leads each year. And while we’re thrilled to have every one of them, please note that that represents about one-tenth of the eligible men who could be members.

Right now, we present the monthly brunch series and the Men’s Club Cafe on Sunday and Wednesday mornings. We help with the Purim Carnival and the Hannukah party. We support blood drives and synagogue planting. We have bike rides and baseball outings and picnics. We’ll be involved in a multiregion retreat in the fall. Frankly, there are more events, but I can’t remember them all.

And we need you to help with these and to present even more.

What might confuse some men is that there’s no check-off on the synagogue dues form to cover Men’s Club dues. We collect dues separately; so if you don’t send in the form we send you, we don’t receive your dues.

We’ll be starting our annual membership drive this summer, but please give it a thought before we contact you: Wouldn’t you like to be involved in Men’s Club?

In listing Purim Carnival volunteers, I somehow forgot to thank Jerry and Laura Sigal for their exemplary work on the cotton candy machine. Sorry, guys. I hope this makes up for it.

Let me know, please, if you have any questions or comments.

Always happy to be of service,

Bill Chronister, Men’s Club President