
Look at these can't-miss Sunday brunches

The Men's Club is proud to present the lineup for its first three Sunday brunches this fall.
We'll kick off the year on Sept. 21, the first day of Hebrew school, with Ohio's first lady, Frances Strickland.
Mrs. Strickland will speak at 10:30 a.m., just after Hebrew school parents' orientation in the upper social hall. So if you're a parent, by all means stay for the talk -- and have a bagel and maybe a schmear while you're at it.
In October, we'll move up from the governor's wife to our very own synagogue president, Howard Schottenstein. Howard will speak on his plans during his tenure as our community's leader at 10:30 a.m. on Oct. 12.
After the elections in November, we've asked Bill Cohen of NPR to come and present a recap and analysis. He'll speak at 10:30 a.m. on Nov. 9.
As usual, the Sunday brunches are free to all who wish to attend, although donations are always welcome.
For further information, or to volunteer to help -- especially for the first brunch -- please contact Bill Chronister, wtchron@gmail.com; or Mike Sobul, lsobul@wowway.com.

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